Join the


Retreat on Curaçao in 2025

Raise your frequency and tune into the energy of the new world.

Order Your Tickets Here

Join the "NEWBORN"

Retreat on Curaçao in 2025

Raise your frequency and tune into the energy of the new world.

Order Your Tickets Here

Is Your Soul Ready for the Upcoming Shift?

In a world where confusion, alienation and emotional turmoil seem to be the new normal, it is no wonder many of us feel so lost.

We are constantly bombarded with mixed messages about how to live, how to love, how to be successful - and it's exhausting.

We strive for more, but are stuck, unable to break free from old patterns that no longer serve us.

Deep down, you know something is wrong. The world is changing rapidly and with it, a quiet but persistent voice within you cries out for a fresh start - a clean slate.

The Truth is that you are not the only one.

You are not the only one who feels this way.

Many are searching for answers, struggling to find their place in this chaotic time of global transformation.

The Earth herself is undergoing a profound shift, rising to a higher vibrational frequency, and she is calling you to rise with her.

But how can you answer that call when you are weighed down by the past, out of touch with your true purpose and don't know where to go?

This is where the NEWBORN Retreat on Curaçao offers you a Lifeline.

Sign up now!

Unconditional Guarantee:

If at the end of this Retreat you look Dr. RAvatar in the eye and indicate that nothing has changed, you will get your money back without any questions asked.

Imagine a place where you can reset your life, not just on a superficial level, but in your deepest core.
A place where you can throw off the emotional and energetic baggage holding you back, so you can step into a new reality with clarity, purpose, and decisiveness.

This Retreat promises to be a uniquely transformative experience that offers not only temporary relief, but a profound and lasting rebirth.

The Core of this Retreat is a complete RESET of your entire Being.

Curacao Beach

While other spiritual practices and retreats may provide you with techniques to address your challenges, this Retreat goes deeper.

It is designed to help you fully reset your vibrational frequency and align with the ascension of Earth itself.
Through a series of powerful exercises, including DNA reprogramming, Heart Chakra activation and Quantum Timeline Healing, all the heavy karmic energies of the past are completely transmuted, and you start over, but now with a clean soul, literally NEWBORN.

This is not just about feeling better - you become a new, elevated version of yourself, and you literally start with a clean slate and with higher frequencies than you have ever experienced in this lifetime.

But why now?
Why is this now so important?

Because the world is in the midst of a huge radical transmutation process. 


Transmutation is a word from alchemy and means 'changing the vibration of molecules'. 

A New Earth is now being manifested with a whole new level of vibration.

Either you are attuned to this, and you are hitching a ride or you are running into yourself because you are not tolerating the new frequencies.

The old ways of living, thinking and being are crumbling and giving way to a new era of light and higher consciousness.

You are called to step into this New World, but you will not succeed if you cling to the old.

Sign up now!

Unconditional Guarantee: 

If at the end of this Retreat you look Dr. RAvatar in the eye and indicate that nothing has changed, you will get your money back without any questions asked.

The NEWBORN Retreat is your opportunity to rise with the Earth, raise your frequency and attune to the energy of the New World.

It is an invitation to step fully into your true purpose and leave behind the confusion, disconnection and pain that have plagued you for so long.

You will return from Curaçao refreshed, regenerated and feeling reborn (NEWBORN).

A clear mind, a healed heart, and a soul vibrating at a higher frequency, fully prepared to embrace the New World and all it has to offer.

This Retreat is not an escape, but a journey of transmutation, a journey that will transform who YOU are at your core.

Are you ready to accept the invitation?

To reset, renew and step into the life you are truly destined for?

The Time is Now. 

The world is changing and with it awaits your opportunity for a profound rebirth.

Don't miss this opportunity to attune to the higher frequency of Earth and reclaim your Power in a World of Light. 

Join us at the NEWBORN Retreat and begin your journey to true transmutation today.

Order Your Tickets Here



Discover the Path to a New Beginning

During the NEWBORN Retreat, you will be guided through a transmutation so profound that it feels like a rebirth.
This Retreat is for those who feel the call - a deep, unwavering sense that there is more to life, that the purpose is to step into a higher purpose.
If you are tired of the same old patterns, of feeling stuck and frustrated, if you are seeking true alignment with Earth's ascension, this is your moment.

What others are saying who went along to the NEWBORN Retreat in Curaçao.

Group photo
NEWBORN Retreat October 2024

"This experience was truly magical. I have never felt so connected and peaceful. A very special moment in my life that I will always remember."



"Wow, such a beautiful place and wonderful people. I'm so glad I decided to go and experience it. There is really nothing else like this that I have ever



The Golden Why (Now)

Dr. Noxy, José, Cécilia, Briony, Dr. Avatar, Trinity & Raphael

We have witnessed the growing struggles of our friends, family, and followers - people who feel lost and overwhelmed in a world that seems to be falling apart.


We see so many people struggling with confusion, emotional turmoil, and a deep sense of disconnection. So many beautiful souls weighed down by old patterns, unresolved traumas, and the pressures of an increasingly chaotic world.

At this time of profound global transition, when the Earth itself is undergoing a shift to a higher vibrational frequency, we have felt a powerful calling.


And Entities from higher dimensions - guides from the new world - have entrusted us to create a transmuting space where people can reset, heal, and prepare for the new reality.

This Retreat is our mission to help those struggling to let go of the past, embrace a clean slate, and attune to the light emerging in this new era.

By facilitating this Retreat, we provide a haven where individuals can undergo a complete spiritual rebirth and step into their true purpose, ready to flourish in the new world.

Meld je nu aan!

Unconditional Guarantee:

If at the end of this Retreat you look Dr. RAvatar in the eye and indicate that nothing has changed, you will get your money back without any questions asked.

The Invisible Border: Why Most of Us Stay Stuck...

You have probably tried countless spiritual practices, retreats, and self-help programs in your quest for insight and transformation.

Yet there was always something that felt incomplete - like you were about to break through, but something was holding you back.


The truth is that these methods only gave you part of the answer.

The missing piece?
A complete emotional, energetic, and spiritual reset - a clean slate.

Most programs focus on adding new exercises or insights to your life, but they don't address the root cause: the energetic and karmic baggage that has been holding you back. Without clearing out the old, no amount of new information or exercises can actually get off the ground.


Because how can you truly step into the new world and your higher purpose if you are still carrying the weight of your past?


What makes the NEWBORN Retreat so unique and powerful is its focus on this complete reset.

Supported by years of spiritual guidance and the knowledge of entities from higher dimensions, this Retreat is designed to cleanse your slate and attune your whole being to the rising frequency of the Earth.


You will be guided through a transmutation process of deep healing and renewal, supported by exercises that reprogram your DNA and activate your heart chakra to resonate with the energy of the New World.


This is the only place where you can experience a transmutation of this magnitude, at a time when the Earth itself is undergoing a similar rebirth.


By aligning your frequency with that of Earth, you can step into your true purpose, free from the past and fully prepared to thrive in the New World.

A Transmutation That Stays with You

Many retreats offer a temporary escape - an oasis where you feel uplifted by the environment, the like-minded community, and the break from your daily life.
But all too often that sense of peace fades as soon as you return home and old patterns creep back in.

This Retreat goes beyond a short-term pick-me-up It is organized so that the profound changes you experience do not fade when you leave Curaçao.

You are equipped not only with the means for transmutation, but also with the ability to bring that higher vibrational energy back into your daily life.

A transmutation is a permanent change, an upgrade of your DNA to hold higher frequencies.
Your new DNA builds a new body (7-year process) that can hold high frequencies permanently.
This Retreat empowers you to become a beacon of light, a true spark of life, radiating the energy and clarity you have gained to those around you.

Upon returning home, you will not only feel different, but you will also truly be different.

Tuned, renewed and ready to spread light in a world that desperately needs it.

This is not just any Retreat; it is the beginning of a new way of life, where the transmutation you undergo will stay with you and fuel your journey forward.

Sign up now!

Unconditional Guarantee: 

If at the end of this Retreat you look Dr. RAvatar in the eye and indicate that nothing has changed, you will get your money back without any questions asked.

The NEWBORN Retreat Program


Day 1

Arrival and Heart Opening Ceremony


Your journey of rebirth begins with a powerful ceremony to open your heart, designed to prepare you for the transformative experiences that await you.
Under the guidance of the team, you will begin to shed old layers of emotional and energetic baggage and lay the foundation for a complete reset by choosing a future in the New World!

Day 2 – 6

Deepening and Connection

Awakening of the soul

Reconnect with your divine essence as you dive deep into the true nature of your soul. Guided meditations and energetic exercises help you remove the old and reveal a renewed sense of self aligned with the New World.

Discover Higher Wisdom

Connect with higher layers of consciousness, where you can channel wisdom from spiritual guides. This connection will not only guide your transformation during the Retreat but will also provide lasting clarity as you step into your reborn self.

Breaking Old Patterns

Use powerful techniques to release old habits and beliefs that have held you back, creating space for new growth and possibilities. This is your chance to rewrite your story and align with a higher purpose.

Evolve yourself into a Multi-Dimensional Being

Through the activation of the energetic centers of your astral body, the removal of your pain -body, your DNA-upgrade, and your karma-liberation in all dimensions, you enter into a process of your higher consciousness. This evolution is the key to maintaining the reset you are experiencing so that your transformation continues long after the Retreat.

Connecting Earth and Spirit

Learn to anchor your spiritual growth in the physical world by integrating your experiences with the energies of the Earth. This connection will ground your rebirth, allowing you to navigate life with a renewed sense of purpose and balance.

Experience the Healing Field of Mamo Najhim

Mamo Najhim is present to create a Healing Field. This will deepen your connection to Earth and help empower the changes you are undergoing, making your rebirth a tangible reality.

Diamond DNA Activation

Experience what it really means to be fully connected to your life on the New Earth: you are synchronized with the unique frequency of your Spark of Light (Divine Spark). Step by step you can then experience the intensity of your Divine Spark more fully, your happiness spirals into a never-ending expansion, and your light inspires others around you to do the same, to choose love and peace.

Day 7 

Heart Renewal Initiation

You are now ready for the ultimate initiation, dismantling the barriers put up by the ego so that your heart can open fully.

This process frees you from past fears and transmutes them into a vibrant, unstoppable life force.

At the end of the Retreat, you participate in a closing ceremony that integrates your journey and ensures that you return home not only changed, but also as reborn, with the power to live with an open heart and a light that guides others in their own transformations.

"The ceremonies felt so sacred. The sessions we had in nature took me so deep into my being. It felt like I was born again."



"This is such a special experience to be a part of. I can't wait to go again and receive this gift to myself and my soul."



Curaçao 2025 NEWBORN

When: January 12 to 18, 2025


Early booking price until November 15: €1199 (ex VAT)

Early booking price until December 15: €1349 (ex VAT)


Language: There will be spoken English and Dutch

Are you ready to start the year 2025 as NEWBORN? Do you know or feel that you should be a part of this?

If so, please send an email with your billing information to

 [email protected].

You will receive an invoice from us within a few business days. Upon receipt of your payment, you will receive a confirmation & welcome email.

Click here to send your email

Unconditional Guarantee:

If at the end of this Retreat you look Dr. RAvatar in the eye and indicate that nothing has changed, you will get your money back without any questions asked.



For only 12 Persons

The "Divine Midas Touch" is an 8-hour blessing process (4 times 2-hour sessions) with the intention that everything you undertake, or touch turns into success.

Similar to how King Midas turned everything into gold. The New World needs leaders who support others and grant them their success. In this process you will learn how to put this ability into motion for yourself and others.

Although it is a group process, everyone is personally helped to get rid of karmic ties that no longer support you in successful entrepreneurship.

All VIPs receive a personal session during this 8-hour blessing in which any blockages in your business essence are cleansed and upgraded.

All VIPs will also receive an individual session with Mamo Najhim.

All karmic ties that hold you in old energies and do not serve the light are cleared through the Divine Midas Touch in all dimensions.

The cost for this exclusive offer is €1599 (ex VAT).

Note: This price does not include the price of the Retreat!!!


Send an email with your billing information to

[email protected].

You will receive an invoice from us within a few business days. Upon receipt of your payment, you will receive a confirmation & welcome email.

Click here to send your email

Unconditional Guarantee: 

If at the end of this Retreat you look Dr. RAvatar in the eye and indicate that nothing has changed, you will get your money back without any questions asked.

Your Life after the NEWBORN Retreat

After this Retreat, you will have undergone a profound transmutation, acquired deep self-awareness, built a spiritual connection, and gained the ability to integrate your spiritual growth into daily life.

This Retreat guides you to develop a deeper harmony between your personal evolution and the healing of the world around you, allowing you to spread your inner light.

The real breakthrough lies in the transition from an ego-driven experience of love to a pure, fearless, and fully surrendered embodiment of love, where you experience love as it is meant to be - without fear and fully in alignment with your true self.


  • True Liberation from Old Patterns: You break free from the patterns that have limited you and now you will be able to move forward with clarity and purpose.
  • Lasting Energetic Alignment: Take the transformational energy of the Retreat into your daily life and maintain balance and peace long after you return home.
  • Deep Spiritual Connection: You cultivate a lasting connection with your true self and the universe, reducing feelings of confusion and disconnection.
  • Gain the confidence to live your soul purpose, free from the fears and doubts that once held you back.
  • Fearless, unconditional love: Move from an ego-driven love full of fear to a pure, surrendered experience of love that enriches your relationships and self- worth.
  • Rooted Personal Growth: You integrate spiritual evolution with your daily life so that your growth is both practical and profound.
  • Radiate Light to Others: You become a beacon of light to those around you, inspiring and uplifting others as you live your newly transformed life.
  • Lasting Inner Peace: You experience a deep sense of peace and fulfillment that stays with you even when faced with life's challenges.



A New Life as NEWBORN

Imagine a life where you wake up every day with a deep sense of purpose, where your heart is fully open, and your soul is attuned to the highest frequencies of the universe.


This is not just a dream - it is the reality that awaits you after the NEWBORN Retreat.


Your relationships flourish as you embody unconditional love, your career is aligned with your soul's purpose, and each day is filled with a sense of fulfillment and joy.


Sign up now!

Unconditional Guarantee:  

If at the end of this Retreat you look Dr. RAvatar in the eye and indicate that nothing has changed, you will get your money back without any questions asked.

You do not only survive, but you will also flourish, fully capable of living the life you were always meant to live.


In 7 transformative days, you’ll undergo a complete rebirth. 

The Retreat is carefully designed to lead you through heart-opening ceremonies, deep meditations, DNA and chakra activations and powerful energy healings.
Each moment is created to reset your life, shed old patterns, and attune to the new vibrational energy of the Earth.

Imagine the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are living in complete alignment with your true self. The NEWBORN Retreat offers a transmutation that is not just for a moment, but for the rest of your life - a priceless investment in your future.
This is a rare opportunity to completely reset your life. This Retreat is available for a limited time and will not last forever.
This is your moment. You can continue with a life that feels incomplete, or you can take the leap and transform your reality forever.


Click the button below to save your spot on
Securing the NEWBORN Retreat.


Your best life is waiting - Embrace it today.

YES! I will be there too!




Dr. RAvatar 

(formerly Roy Martina)

Quantum Timeline Healer, Partner of the Societies for the Future, White Light Surgeon (Dr. RAvatar) and Holistic MD.

Briony Vanden Bussche

Diamond Master Activator, Soul Business Coach and Co-Founder of the Societies for the Future Network.

Mamo Najhim

Soul Blesser. A Mamo shaman is chosen before birth and spends 7 years in darkness as part of their training when young to open the pineal gland and connect to earth and nature.

José van der Most

Soul Care Coordinator.

Cécilia Girard

Kinesiologist, Light Code Artist, Master Healer & Channeler.

Raphael Bexx

Sound Healing Artist, Frequency Expert, Energetic Music Transformation, Producer.

Trinity Aurora Martina

Hathor Channeler for the Golden Timeline Collective, Light Code Activator, Light Language Artist.

Dr. Noxy Onochie

Space Guardian.

Frequently Asked Questions


Curaçao 2025

Order Your Tickets Here

Unconditional Guarantee: 

If at the end of this Retreat you look Dr. RAvatar in the eye and indicate that nothing has changed, you will get your money back without any questions asked.